Dating Older Filipino Women - Top 14 Secrets On Cougars

We all know there are a lot of younger Filipino girls who are all vying for your attention. Younger Filipino women realise they are the prime targets for visiting foreigners. They have always been.
cougar[ koo-ger ] An older woman who seeks sexual relationships with much younger men: He's in his twenties, but he prefers cougars in their forties and fifties to young women his age.
That's the definition of a cougar or a woman who is older than you'd usually be searching.
So why am I telling you to look at older Philippines women?
Mid-age Filipino women, in the Philippines, lack relationship choices. Aged 30 to 40 years, older women want stability. They provide sexual maturity, proficient English conversation, expert travel knowledge, plus well-developed cooking skills.
We aren't expecting you to go out and hook up with old age pensioners. Don't get me wrong.
There will be situations where you'll find a 20-something young pinay girl won't suit your purpose or lifestyle choices. Let me explain:-

The Pros of Older Filipino Women
All age groups have their advantages.
Smart men use these advantages when dating.
Older Philippines women hold more interest than you might not be aware.
Experience counts for everything.
The younger a Filipina girl is, the less sexually experienced she is going to be. Generally speaking lol
If you're going on a Philippines holiday, you are going to want to accompany attractive older Filipino women. A woman who understands your wants and needs. One that you don't need to train.
Older Filipino women have had many years to develop and hone their sexual prowess skills.
Philippines women already have high libidos.
You don't need to explain the ins and outs of what a man and woman do in the bedroom.
They'll be the ones leading you there in the first place. For an older woman, they are out to prove they are worthy of your attention. There's no better place to start for them than demonstrating their unique abilities and talents.
Tour Guide
35-45 year age ranged women make for the ideal 'tour guide' if you're a short-term visitor to the Philippines.
They've built up the knowledge of great spots you can visit on your holiday.
She has the willingness to be a holiday girlfriend, providing you agree on her remuneration.

Every South East Asian woman is under the belief cooking will win over a man. For the most part, it's true.
Nothing beats a Filipino woman who can whizz up a batch of Pancit, Filipino Spaghetti or Sinigang.
Their training starts when they're little girls. Filipino mothers know she'll need all the expertise she can muster to land the right husband.
Mature Pinay love to cook. They cook together with their girlfriends, who are also single.
They have cooked up many storms during past relationships. They know what to cook for Filipino as well as foreign guys.
Having Fun and Relaxing
You might not think of this as a proficiency but knowing how to have fun and relaxing is an art form.
The people from the Philippines live in the perfect country for it too.
There are more wide-open spaces and beaches than you can imagine.
Activities centred around relaxing such as hiking the many hills and caves.
More experience means 30 or 40-something pinay women can instantly figure out what you are going to find more interesting. And get you there with a minimum of fuss and stress.
You'll both enjoy the ride and experiences.
Thankfully, the Philippines enjoys a high rating amongst native Filipino women with English skills.
Older Filipino women are more adept than younger girls. Both in what to talk about plus the context of the subject.
A short or long term relationship is always enhanced when you're able to talk together.
Imagine trying to plan what meal to eat or a lengthy holiday when the girl is limited to only speaking Tagalog?
Google Translate will help. Living a life always stuck inside an app will be a tedious process; trust me. Ease this burden by choosing English-speaking older Filipinas.

When it comes to men and what they want, women take more notice than we give them credit.
Pinay girls know if they are to survive in a man's world, they must develop the expertise to get their hooks into the man she wants.
We've already talked about competence in sexual prowess, but there's more to a man's life than just fucking around.
Her Outlook of Life
Never diminish that older Filipino women will have their agendas, in meeting with you.
Cougars are on the prowl, usually for short time contact.
The average Filipina woman will typically be looking for more stability.
She's already been through more relationship hardship than you - Filipino men are brutally tough on the local girls.
While she'll maintain a soft heart and chilled attitude, she'll be looking for a glimpse of hope.
Are you looking for a short or a long term relationship?
She'll accept both. She'll want the latter though. No question.
Be honest. If you need time to make a decision, just tell the truth.
Honesty means you should have stand-by women on your blacklist too. Backup pinay girls you can call up in case things don't go according to plan.
Filipino women always value family and having one of their own. Always.
Why Do Filipino Cougars Date Younger Men?
Little Choice
When she's in the 35 to 50 year age bracket, Filipino women are thrown away by the local men. They are only going to target younger Filipinas. More adolescent Filipino girls are abundant.
35+ women turn their attentions to foreigners. Men from outside the Philippines have an entirely different feeling towards older mature women.
With low wages and job opportunities in decline, single older women have few prospects. Some turn to the sex industry. Many choose a more natural course of action - online dating and finding guys who will support them even if the support is for a short time.
The older a woman gets in the Philippines, the more her attentions turn towards the style of living foreigners can provide.
That is excellent news for you - all eyes are on you!

Feel More Attractive
Every guy has a 'Bucket List' for various sexual conquests.
Sexual encounters with older women are always on this wish list.
It's an ideal synergy.
Older Filipino women date younger guys because these men make them feel special. Cougars want to feel attractive. The way to a woman's heart is with carefully crafted compliments.
Compliments are your entry point to these women.
More Control
If you've ever watched 'Sex and the City', you'll know those American cougars preferred being in control of their relationships.
Most older Filipino women are the same. Plus they have more significant opportunity to simply end any relationship because most will be with younger men on holidays. Any liaison will finish when the foreigner leaves and goes back home.
She gets taken care of emotionally and financially, and he gets good quality sex. All wrapped up within a few weeks.
She is free to move on to the next younger man.

Maybe a One-Off
She is just testing the water.
Chances are an older Filipino woman has just ended a relationship.
Whether it's with a local Filipino guy or a foreigner, she might just be testing the water. Is she better to look for a younger man or an older one?
Women have mood swings. They have judgement lapses. Many times women haven't a clue what it is she wants.
Don't let that stop you. Jump right in there and take your best shot.
The Cons of an Older Filipina Woman
Hooking up with Filipino women between 35 and 45, you need to be a little choosey. The Filipina needs to have taken good care of herself, for one thing.
They have more emotional baggage than younger girls too. You want to take particular attention to clues they give out in your online messages.
Taking a holiday with an emotionally unstable woman is the last thing you need. The percentage is going to be small. Pinay women tend to forget about past relationships and focus on what's coming their way, in the present.
The Dreaded Menopause
You need to be careful if you're going for much older women.
When you approach the 45-year bracket, a woman's hormones can start changing.
Mood swings and more can drastically affect any relationship, least of all a well-planned Philippines holiday.
Emotional instability will surface through your online chats.
A drawback for this age segment is their focus and direction - some are desperate for stability.
Women of focus can get pushy. Cull these girls if you're looking for something casual and relaxing.
You should restrict giving out your contact details too early.
Sadly, pushy and bossy Filipinas won't take 'NO' for an answer.
They think they've found you as their perfect match—the answer to their life and future.
If you've been chatting outside our website, chances are she'll already have been investigated more contact points for you.
She knows full well there are more attractive and younger women you've contacted.
She's not going to let you get away that easy.
Older stalkers will be annoying. Blocking and never replying, no matter what they tell you, is all you can do.

The positive aspects of older Filipina women far outweigh the few negatives.
The mid-range age women still retain their sultry Latin-American attractiveness. Plus well-matured sexual skills and a woman who can hold an English conversation.
All in all, these older Filipinas are a nicely rounded package.
As always, do your research. Don't fall for the first woman. Maintain a list of backup women. Take notes to avoid confusion. Plan, refine and plan some more.
Older women and Filipina cougars have been delighting men of all ages for decades. Pick your poison and enjoy the Philippines.
Dating Older Filipinas - What Are The Pros?
- Sexually mature
- Great Cooks
- Expert tour guides
- They still love Fun and Relaxing
- Proficient English conversation
Dating Older Filipinas - What Are The Cons?
- Menopause
- Bossy
- Very focussed
- Can be manipulative
- Potential stalker