The Right Filipino Woman For You - Best 13 Ways To Find Her

The Right Filipino Woman For You - Best 13 Ways To Find Her

Men think they know all there is to know when dating women. Not all women are the same, and, indeed, Filipino women are significantly different.

You wouldn't jump out of a plane without at least putting in research and effort, would you?

Jumping into the world of Filipina dating requires knowledge, forethought, planning, and follow-through.

What are the steps you need to take for a successful partnership with a Filipino woman?

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Define whether a partnership means a holiday girlfriend or a long term relationship. Holiday girlfriends are a casual partnership with younger, more adventurous Filipino women. A relationship with a Filipino woman requires discussion on future childbearing, financial aid, and home duties. In the Philippines, expect a relationship with a younger woman, at least 20 years your junior.

Finding a Filipino woman is easy. Finding the right girl for you takes time, understanding, and planning.

There are three broad categories of Filipino women.

Younger Filipino Girls Are Inexperienced But Cocky

Young Filipina relaxing on a surfboard in the Philippines
Can you relax on that surfboard with her on your next Philippines holiday?
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The 18 - 25 age bracket is where many single guys target, at least at first. They 'think they want' a 'young, dumb and full of cum' Filipina who they can bang.

Young Filipino women are inexperienced in many areas. These family-centric women are full of warmth and, generally, have a wide and varied base of friends. A bonus of their lack of relationship experience is they carry little emotional baggage.

Her many friends (and the influence of social media) makes a young Filipino woman adventurous; making her an excellent holiday girlfriend.

The chance to have an adventurous young sexual plaything sounds like every man's dream on the surface. She may be sexually inexperienced, despite her being highly sexual.

Remember, you're footing the bill for everything plus paying her for her time. Food, flights, travel tickets, accommodation, gifts, drinks for the two of you are your responsibility.

Young Filipino girls will likely be poor and have low education.

She'll know of foreign men from social media and girl-talk with her friends. The likelihood of personal contact with foreigners will be low unless she lives in one of the Philippines' cities.

And being family-centric, she'll look to you as a father figure and leader. Young Filipinas maintain strong family ties, so take care and treat her correctly.

Younger Pinay women can swing as a holiday girlfriend or travel companion or a short/long term girlfriend - she doesn't know what she wants yet.

Note: She'll want a strong father-figure if her father has already passed away.

Middle-Aged Pinay Love To Cook

Filipino women in the 25 - 45 age group are a mixed bag of tasty pleasures and added emotions. Women are complicated everywhere. You will find more complications in lower socio-economic countries.

What's On the Plus Side of Middle-Aged Filipinas?

Mid-aged Filipina looking towards you
Mid-aged Pinay are still sexy. Can you be with her?
Best Filipino Dating Site to Meet Filipino Women
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You know already these sexually charged Pinay women are well experienced with men. Filipino women have smouldering sexual energy, dating back to their Spanish-Latin heritage.

Their sexual prowess knows no bounds when the right guy crosses her path. Plus, they're easy to fall in love with, and they'll fall for you quickly. You only need to show a natural gentle kindness to Pinay, and you will get your rewards plus more - Filipinas genuinely take care of their men.

Middle-aged Philippines women are ideally looking for a stable long term partnership. They will entertain a casual meeting or a short term holiday girlfriend arrangement.

Filipino women love to cook. Filipino food is delicious, contains simple ingredients that combine into a wide variety of dishes. Their mothers have taught these women from a young age.

Finding a good job can be a challenge in the Philippines, so many Filipinos value a good education over other life goals. This age group of women has many college and university degrees and is in well-paid employment.

English has been a second language, in the Philippines, due to long-established American Armed Forces bases. Filipino women in this age group have had many years to refine their English skills, which are great for you and traveling with her.

A good education, English skills, a well-paid job goes together to mean middle-aged Filipino women are also social media savvy. These women tune into fashion sense, the local food scene, and travel.

Middle-Aged Filipino Women Have Downsides

Many relationships come with emotional baggage. Women the world over are mistrusting of a man's true intentions.

Many local Philippines men mistreat their women. This abuse is common throughout South-East Asia. Women in the Philippines are always on the lookout for a better life change, but they will be carrying baggage that you must discover.

She knows what men want and will give up her gifts to you once you prove to her you're not some violent nutjob. Kind words and honest interaction via the website's messaging system will pave the way to her heart.

Note: If her father is no longer alive, she'll want you as a strong father-figure

Older Filipino Women Want Love & Security

An older Filipina with sunglasses drinking soda
You can see that older Pinay women still have what it takes to please you.
Best Filipino Dating Site to Meet Filipino Women
Meet Filipino women from all over the Philippines at the best Filipina dating site - Join free today for fun & safe dating.

Foreigners seek the 45+ age group of Filipino women for several reasons.

Local men believe these older Pinay ladies have passed their 'use-by' date since the local guys have a plethora of younger women from which to choose. But these women have many hidden gems on offer for the discerning foreigners who are willing to explore further.

At the top of the list is her undying lust. Older Filipino women retain their sexual urges. They hunger for foreign action since their local chances low.

An older Filipino woman is highly appreciative of foreigners' attention since they're not getting any at home. Show them respect and your 'home and hosed'.

Like middle-aged women, older Filipino women make excellent tour guides due to their broad experience and knowledge. They will know their way around the Philippines intimately. Plus, she will be eager to move to your country if the opportunity and your relationship head in this direction.

Most Filipinos desire to move out of the widespread poverty of the Philippines. They love their country but realize better opportunities exist elsewhere.

Are There Any Downsides To An Older Filipino Woman?

The older a woman, the more shitty relationships she'll have encountered. Be aware these older Filipinas will have experienced their fair share of bad guys. Be on your guard for their emotional baggage and clear the way for yourself - if you are able.

Children are often a troublesome area when a single man is searching for a partner. The chances are high; any older Filipina will have children; since Filipinos are renowned for loving family life.

Find out:-

  • if she does have kids
  • whether they're living at home with her or left the family home
  • their ages so you know if they can take care of themselves
  • if her children will be a hindrance if you want her to go traveling together with her
  • if she wants more children in the future (is this something you like?)

Remember, you don't need to fall for the first woman you chat online with - there are plenty of other Philippines girls without kids.

Take your time and choose wisely.

Are You Looking For A Holiday Filipina?

Never be afraid to admit that you want to first experience a Filipino holiday girlfriend before committing to something longer.

Most single foreigners start this way, and that's a good strategy.

Have you decided on your travel plans?

  • How much time are you planning to spend in the Philippines?
    • Would this change if you met the right holiday Filipino woman, i.e., would (or could) you extend the time-frame if you're having the best time of your life.
  • Where do you want to travel to for the main destinations?
  • When are the better times to travel concerning flight ticket prices?
  • What tourist attractions do you want to experience?
Young Filipino girl in orange bikini
She will be happy to travel with you and more.
Best Filipino Dating Site to Meet Filipino Women
Meet Filipino women from all over the Philippines at the best Filipina dating site - Join free today for fun & safe dating.

What are you expecting from the holiday Filipino woman? It would help if you were honest with yourself and her.

  • Language skills
    • What level of English (if any) does she need for you to enjoy her company?
  • Sex
    • In what areas does she need to be skilled and agree to participate?
    • While this area might be sensitive at first, please ensure you discuss it with the Filipino woman, and she understands her requirements.
  • Cooking - does the Pinay need to cook?
    • If it's your first time in the Philippines, it's usually better to buy all food. She'll already be busy taking care of you in other areas.
  • Travel plans
    • Once you've firmed up a few Philippines girls, have them do their research on your travel. They're the locals and can suggest travel plans you'll prefer
  • Her financial contribution - don't expect any and don't ask for any.
  • Her style and dress sense
    • Define your expectations of her manner, such as bravado in public, holding hands together, and how she'll refer to you to other people (boyfriend or tour customer, you get the idea).
    • Do you prefer her to dress sexy, slutty, or demure? If you're choosing a firm, young, nubile Filipino woman, then her dressing slutty might be a constant turn-on throughout your Philippines holiday. Think about it
  • Time frame
    • Can she stay with you the entire time you're traveling?
    • Can she stay if you extend the length of travel time?
  • What's she going to cost you?
    • Yes, everything comes at a price, and so does a sexually active Philippines holiday girlfriend.
    • Ensure you both agree on all of her costs. Include the possibility of you needing to buy her clothes or bikinis. It pays, in the long run, to have her pricing sorted ahead of time.

Take the deep plunge into a Filipino holiday girlfriend adventure like so many other single men have done before you.

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Do You Want A Filipino Relationship?

To be honest, you can expect similar outcomes as a holiday girl when choosing a relationship.

All Filipino girls love sex, and they all love to travel since they don't get many opportunities to do so (due to the expense involved).

Family loving Filipino women take their relationships seriously. There is no reason to break their heart when you can plan to take on the right Filipino woman for you and your life.

What is your long term goal?

  • Are you planning to work in the Philippines or retire? Or a little of both?
  • What about travel? What do you want to see with her, and can a Pinay help you with those plans?
  • Have you decided how and where you want to live in the Philippines?
    • Is a city or beach living best for you?
    • Do you prefer to rent, buy, or even build a home?
  • Visas are also significant long-term consideration. Tourist or residency?
  • Don't forget to plan for medical needs and hospitalization, which will impact where you live.

Planning your Philippines goals gives you talking points with a Filipino woman; she will understand you're serious about starting a relationship with the right woman, and she'll be more interested in you.

But what are her goals?

  • Does she want more children? (and do you?)
    • Kids mean less 'alone time' together.
    • More financial stress on you to provide for children.
    • Kids affect travel opportunities and expenses.
  • Does the Filipino woman want a new man to interact with her family?
    • Do her plans require her family members to stay with you?
    • A Filipino woman likes to share, which can include living space, food, and financial support from you.
    • Find out her family goals early in your online chatting messages.
  • Does she prefer to remain in the Philippines or go to your country?

Relationships Are Lifetime Decisions

Relationships with the right woman take time and planning. Never jump too quick as this affects the rest of your life and has repercussions on others.

You can do the majority of your research through our online messaging systems; without having to give up your contact details.

Seriously think about online stalking if the Filipina starts hounding you at work, home, and Facebook.

Step wisely with your personal contact information.

Co-habitation is Important

No two people are alike. Every person has their likes, dislikes, and preferences.

There is a good rule of thumb where two people need to live together for at least 18 months before they both know they're a compatible couple.

Online dating isn't any sort of the dark ages or pre-arranged marriages. You have the freedom to define your set of rules. You are in charge of your destiny.

Take your time choosing several Filipinas who match your requirements for body features, age, sexual agreement, and location.

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Best Filipino Dating Site to Meet Filipino Women
Meet Filipino women from all over the Philippines at the best Filipina dating site - Join free today for fun & safe dating.

Which Filipino Woman Meets Your Needs? Holiday or Relationship?

Choosing a holiday girlfriend or relationship is no easy task.

Try a Philippines Holiday Girl First

A good holiday Filipina woman should not have any children. You don't need her to be worrying about her kids' well-being. Her concerns will only interrupt your time together.

You want a Filipino woman who is youthful, energetic, and agreeable. The young or middle-aged girls fit this to a tee, but older women can be good. Younger is always better, though.

Any Filipino woman you choose as a Philippines holiday girlfriend will need the stamina to keep up through the day and sexual vitality for the evening/morning. Older women will be out of the question unless you think she's suitable 'wife material' for the future.

Traveling the Philippines means relaxation and adventure. A Filipino companion needs both those qualities for an enjoyable experience. Your initial online messaging needs to include questions on the adventurous behavior of potential a Filipino woman who interests you.

Our Recommendations for a Filipino woman for a holiday:-

  • 18 - 35 age group
  • No children.
  • Her father has passed away, ideally.
  • The Filipino woman has friends who are already personally familiar with foreign men and their needs.
  • If she lives outside of her family unit, that's even better.
  • The Filipino woman is willing to show her sexy and risquΓ© side in photos; indicates adventure and an open agreement towards sex.
  • State your intentions for further contact once your holiday finishes
    • if she's a great companion, then she on again for your next trip
    • if she behaves poorly, no more contact

Cautionary Note:

  1. Never pre-pay any money.
  2. Please wait until you meet with her in the Philippines and go from there.
  3. Ensure you have at least one stand-by Pinay in the same city if your first choice gets cold-feet and bails on you.

Find The Right Girl for a Philippines Relationship

Forget what you think you know about women; the Philippines is different.

Filipinas are still females who biologically crave security, stability, and financial comfort. These reasons are why many Filipino women want foreign partners in their lives. So you only need to choose.

Are you looking to start a family and have children with a Filipino woman?

Choose a Filipina with the following qualities:-

  • 18 - 30 age group, so there are no complications with bearing children
  • She must be willing to take birth control pills. You both need a settled and established relationship before having kids together.
  • She meets all your initial personality criteria, such as temperament, English-speaking skills, and sexual willingness. The latter you can try on your next Philippines holiday. It is not chauvinistic to 'test drive.'

Are you looking to retire in the Philippines and want a companion?

Older men prefer the Philippines as a retirement destination. The country offers low-cost affordable living, which gives retirement plans longevity.

Choosing a Filipino woman for your retirement requires planning:-

  • The desired age of your Filipino woman should be at least 15 - 20 years younger than you.
  • Likely, she may already have children. Discuss how (or if) you want more kids and agree on those terms.
  • To reiterate, you must define the personality traits of any potential live-in Philippines woman. She needs to fulfill them. You are making a lifetime decision - avoid mistakes.
  • She must be willing to take contraceptives, which you'll be paying for
  • Have you discussed what her duties will entail? Housework, cooking, cleaning, and maintenance?
  • Whatever age you choose, the Pinay woman needs to remain sexually active and fiery in the bedroom (that is a significant reason you are looking for a Philippines woman, right?)
    • Approach your sexual needs slowly but ensure they are stated and confirmed by her
  • A previous Philippines holiday girlfriend 'can' turn into a relationship. Just be aware she'll have previously been with many other men. Does that worry you?

Cautionary Note #1: Take care of how young the Filipino woman is. Too young, and she will still have wandering eyes for men her own eyes. You don't need a sexy young Filipino woman walking into another men's bed.

Cautionary Note #2: Menopause is a natural part of a women's aging process. Are you about to choose a Filipino woman between 45 and 55 years old? Avoid mood swings and disruptive temperaments in a new relationship. Take care.


With the right degree of planning on your side, you will find the ideal Philippines girl. Decide what you want is the first step and is often overlooked by single men looking for a Filipina.

It is perfectly OK to want a Philippines holiday girl if this is what you choose. Let your hair down and take the plunge.

A relationship is a life-commitment and requires a rational, decisive plan. Filipino women make exceptional girlfriends and wives - when you choose wisely.

We hope you gain more insight into finding the best Pinay woman for your lifestyle and needs.

Best Filipino Dating Site to Meet Filipino Women
Meet Filipino women from all over the Philippines at the best Filipina dating site - Join free today for fun & safe dating.


What qualities must a Filipino holiday girlfriend have?

  • 18 - 35 age group
  • No children
  • Her father has passed away, ideally
  • She has friends who are already personally familiar with foreign men and their needs
  • It is better if she lives outside of her family unit
  • She is willing to show her sexy and risquΓ© side

What qualities must a Filipino wife possess?

  • Your future Filipino wife should be at least 15 - 20 years younger than you.
  • Likely, she may already have children.
  • Define her required personality traits. You are making a lifetime decision - avoid mistakes.
  • She must be willing to take contraceptives.
  • Have you discussed what her duties will entail? Housework, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of you?
  • She needs to remain sexually active and fiery in the bedroom.
  • A previous holiday girlfriend 'can' turn into a relationship.

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